fredag 31. mars 2017

The world in 2050
When I was a little boy I thought about a future where there where flying cars, shoes with engine so I could run very fast and that robots was making my breakfast.  I still do think I will see flying cars, but I don’t think about the future the same way like before. Now that I am a little bit older I has read and watched what we really should be focusing on when it comes to the future, I guess that is because of my better understanding of the big issues in the world. Now I am more concern about the environment. 

According to science we now give birth to more people then it dies, a outcome of this is that the world is being overcrowded. I think that is a little it scary to think of. It will create huge food problems, and there will result in big challenges to produce enough food for everyone. Maybe we have to eat total new food, as insects?

Countries like China have strict rules when it comes to how many children a family can have. It is also possible that several other countries might adopt the same set of rules 33 years from now.

All people produce co2. (Something that is bad for the environment). In average, every person contributes with about 6,5 tons co2 each year.

If you multiply this with world population which is 7,5 billion people, you get 4875000.000 billion tons of co2. This means us humans are producing many billion tons of dangerous gas every year. 

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